Happy 106th birthday american legion (March 15th)
The african queen project is a member of post 63, Wintergarden fl, USA
MARCH 19, 2025: The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration honors all Veterans who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces at
any time from November 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975, regardless of location.
News: You are invited to join THE AFRICAN QUEEN FACEBOOK GROUP.
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African queen to be star display
The African Queen Project is excited to announce that the African Queen Halftrack has been invited to be a new exhibit at the Liberty aviation Museum, Port Clinton ohio, for an 18 Month loan period starting in december 2023.
Honor veterans, preserve military history & technology, offer a unique hands-on educational experience via our rare vehicles collection, and inspire the public to serve their communities and nation as active and engaged citizens.
The centerpiece of the African Queen Project is a 1943 M16A2 half-track, built by the White Motor Company in Cleveland Ohio, that served U.S. and French forces in Europe, Asia and Africa between 1943 and the 1960s. Meticulously conserved and authentically restored to its full operational state, the African Queen half-track allows you to interact with history and learn about the technology, service, and sacrifice that has made the U.S. the nation it is today. Take a video tour of the African Queen when it was on display at the National Museum of the the U.S. Air Force in Dayton, Ohio.
The African Queen vehicles represent American honor, craftsmanship, and patriotism. A tribute to our Greatest Generation, the African Queen M16A2 half-track has proudly served in three major conflicts on three continents. The African Queen Project’s ongoing restoration, preservation and education efforts honor the service of American veterans, connects civilians with veterans, and passes our veteran’s experiences and sacrifices on to the next generation.
The African Queen Project was founded in 2020 by a group of individuals dedicated to developing a unique mobile educational and historical experience and inspiring others to serve their communities and our nation as active and engaged citizens. We offer an exciting opportunity for “hands-on history” with the goal of stimulating educational interests through Geography – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (G-STEM). We are dedicated to keeping our nation’s vibrant military history alive and relevant for you, today’s citizen. We bring living history to you!
Help us keep the African Queen Project’s tribute of service and honor to U.S. Veterans and citizens alive. All donations to the African Queen Project support America’s veterans, sustain operations, equipment needs, maintenance, preservation work, and development of our educational, veterans, and restoration programs.
Cover photo courtesy of Gary Kessler www.kesslerphotography.com
Copyright 2020 Traction LLC / African Queen Project Clermont, FL